You don't need an idea to start a business

The Counterintuitive Online Method to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want to Buy, Create a Mass of Raving Fans, and Take Any Business to the Next Level

The Counterintuitive Online Method to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want to Buy, Create a Mass of Raving Fans, and Take Any Business to the Next Level

from Ryan Levesque


Summary and Why You Should Read This Book

"Ask" by Ryan Levesque presents an innovative method to understand the motivations and behavior of customers and enhance the effectiveness of communication. The essence of the Ask Method lies in its ability to formulate questions that reveal the underlying preferences and challenges of customers. These insights are then used to segment customers and tailor marketing efforts accordingly.

Levesque, with his experience in online marketing, argues that traditional market research often doesn't delve deep enough, while his method provides a more nuanced understanding that can drive successful business strategies. This approach is particularly relevant for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders who seek to create strong relationships with customers and grow their businesses.

The author explains the power of open-ended questions to obtain valuable and detailed information, proposing moving away from typified surveys with preset answers. This technique allows businesses to collect information and insights that they can then use to improve their products and services and their relationship with customers.

"Ask" delves into customer segmentation, personalized communications, and highlights the importance of personalization. Levesque also connects the Ask Method with broader business strategies, showing its importance in product development, customer service, and organizational structuring.

"Ask" offers step-by-step guidance for effectively implementing the method and integrating these findings into various business operations. Levesque's approach encourages a customer-centric business philosophy, influencing long-term strategy, innovation, and corporate culture. It is a key read to understand the transformative power of asking the right questions, providing readers with a valuable tool for achieving sustainable growth and success in their ventures.



"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert B. Cialdini
Cialdini's exploration of persuasion complements the Ask Method by offering a deeper understanding of customer responses, enhancing the effectiveness of asking targeted questions.

"The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick
Fitzpatrick’s guide on how to talk to customers and learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you aligns with Levesque’s emphasis on extracting genuine customer insights, offering strategies for navigating conversations that reveal true customer needs without leading questions.

"Launch" by Jeff Walker Walker
Its strategy for creating successful online product launches dovetails with the Ask Method's focus on understanding and responding to customer desires, highlighting how precise customer insights can be transformed into effective launch strategies that captivate the market.